Nell’entroterra pesarese, sono queste le due mete principali per gli amanti del tartufo bianco pregiato.

Acqualagna e Sant’Angelo in Vado, ormai da anni presenti nell’elenco nazionale delle Capitali del Tartufo, si riservano ogni anno di festeggiare tutte le sfumature di questo prodotto estremamente tipico della provincia di Pesaro e Urbino in genere.

Di seguito i programmi aggiornati degli eventi di entrambe le cittadine che ospiteranno migliaia di turisti pronti ad assaggiare il tartufo bianco pregiato, in tutti i suoi abbinamenti migliori.






nel 2018 Gradara è stata riconosciuta come il Borgo dei Borghi, il più bello d’Italia!

Questa magnifica cittadina medioevale sorge sul crinale di un colle, visione decisamente suggestiva per chi percorre la superstrada adriatica o la statale ad essa affiancata.



Urbino, capoluogo con Pesaro della provincia di Pesaro e Urbino nelle Marche.

Fu uno dei centri più importanti del Rinascimento italiano, di cui conserva appieno l’eredità architettonica. Dal 1998 il suo centro storico è patrimonio dell’umanità UNESCO.



Frontino appartiene alla Comunità Montana del Montefeltro e all’area del Parco naturale del Sasso Simone e Simoncello. Protetto alle spalle dal monte Carpegna, il borgo gode di scorci panoramici e della vista su un orizzonte senza fine.



Il borgo, che fu tra i castelli più importanti dell’antica regione della Massa Trabaria, ha mantenuto nel nucleo storico parte dell’aspetto medioevale, caratterizzato da una cinta murata protetta dal solco dei due corsi d’acqua, il Metauro e il torrente S. Antonio.  TUTTE LE INFO QUI

N.B. Per visitare questi borghi, i nostri ospiti avranno la possibilità di richiedere delle visite guidate personalizzate!



L’antica capitale del ducato dei Montefeltro, sorge sulla cima di due colli e lungo le loro pendici con i tetti delle case e delle chiese digradanti verso il basso.

Da non perdere: Palazzo Ducale con i Torricini e Galleria Nazionale delle Marche, Duomo di Urbino, Casa di Raffaello e la Fortezza Albornoz;

Tutte le info qui


Cittadina ricca di monumenti, è posta al centro dell’alta valle del Metauro con il fiume che scorre a ridosso delle antiche mura su ben tre lati della cittadina.

Da non perdere: Museo Diocesano, Cimitero delle Mummie e Museo dell’Agricoltura, Palazzo Ducale di Urbania e il vicino Barco Ducale;

Tutte le info qui


Piobbico è un comune di origine medievale dominato dall’imponente mole del monte Nerone, una delle vette più alte dell’Appennino Umbro-Marchigiano.

Da non perdere: Palazzo Brancaleoni, Museo Civico, stazione sciistica del Monte Nerone;

Tutte le info qui


Sant’Angelo in Vado è una cittadina situata lungo l’alta valle del fiume Metauro, al centro di un paesaggio caratterizzato dai primi contrafforti appenninici.

Da non perdere: Palazzo della Ragione, Torre Civica, Cattedrale, “Domus del mito”, Mostra Nazionale del tartufo Bianco;

Tutte le info qui


Mercatello sul Metauro è un ridente centro dell’Alto Metauro, su cui sventola la Bandiera Arancione.

Da non perdere: la Pieve Collegiata e museo, la Chiesa di San Francesco e museo, la Casa Natale di Santa Veronica Giuliani, la “neviera” della Rocca, Palazzo Gasparini, il Palazzaccio; Tutte le info qui


Lamoli di Borgo Pace, piccolo paesino incastonato nell’Appennino Umbro-Marchigiano a 600 m s.l.m., qui avviene l’unione tra i torrenti “Meta” ed “Auro” che danno vita al nostro fiume Metauro

Da non perdere: Museo dei colori naturali, Abbazia Benedettina di S. Michele Arcangelo.

Tutte le info qui

N.B. Per queste località sono disponibili visite di gruppo o private, su prenotazione da concordare in struttura.


The Barco Ducale is located northwest of the city, 200mt from our BOUTIQUE HOTEL.

Founded in 1465 by Federico da Montefeltro, it was one of the favorite places of Francesco Maria II of Rovere. It measures about 1200 square meters per floor, two floors plus a basement used as a cellar.
Inside there was a small 14th-century convent of smaller Franciscan friars. The structure offered the Duke a possibility of spiritual refreshment as well as physical recreation. It is connected to the Doge’s Palace by a river that knights and ladies climbed by boat. The structure, due to its proximity to the river, began to present structural problems, so that in 1719 a part of the convent collapsed. It was decided to demolish the structure and reuse material for the new building.
Today it is undergoing a long and meticulous restoration work, already completed outside, which will bring it back to the original splendor. During the works, 700 frescoes, including an “Last Supper” of the Pergolese Gianfrancesco Ferri, were brought to light. It is home to ceramic and artisan workshops and artworks of the Civic Museum, in collaboration with the Amici della Ceramica Association, and a music lab.
Like every summer on Sunday, July 9, the fourth edition of Miss Barco returns to the footbridge. To present the evening as always Nino Palombaro and to put some pepper in the evening the beautiful illusionist Elena Roggi. To animate everything, our jury will think, including in charge of Saida Habibi who will award the new Miss for the expected crown passage. It’s an opportunity to spend a cool evening in a cool place and taste the very good and famous “Urbanies Crostoles” prepared by our women in the kitchen.


What to do in Urbania:the mummies cemetery!

A plethora of chills! Today, we suggest, among the things to do absolutely to Urbania, the visit to the Church of the Dead, where 18 mummified bodies are naturally visited and studied by curious people all over the world!

Urbania mummies:  a natural miracle

The Church of the Dead, or Chapel Cola until 1836, in Urbania, still houses the so-called cemetery of mummies. Discovered two centuries ago, the bodies of 12 men and 6 women still challenge the laws of nature today. This is a phenomenon of natural mummification, but many years ago they were considered fairy bodies for the exceptional state of conservation.

This condition of integrity, including internal organs and apparatus, is due to the climatic and geologic conformation of Urbania that produced a dehydration of the tissues thanks to the constant ventilation, to the subsequent protection from natural molds.

Urbania’s mummy cemetery and the  relative register

Thanks to the reports of the “Brotherhood of Good Death”, recorded by the church, each one is able to know personal history: there is a deceased young woman who has been caesarean, a young stabbed, or the mummy of the unfortunate who was buried alive in a state of apparent death.

Unfortunately, the finds have never been subjected to carbon dating.

They are currently exposed behind the crypt of the main altar of the church and are visible to the public.

There are still many questions that revolve around these mummies, so much to arouse interest and attract tourists from all over the world.

Credits image highlights:

Below we present a Rai Uno service dedicated to the mummies custodian that made it accessible to the public: Giovanni Maestrini.

(tel. 349 8195469)


Along the climbs that lead to the summit of Mount Carpegna, the preferred training place of the great and unlucky champion

Just a few miles from us, those who love the road bike can retrace a famous and beautiful circuit as difficult as Marco Pantani loved so much. Along the climbs that lead to the summit of Mount Carpegna, the preferred training place of the great and unlucky champion.

Numerous scripts dedicated to him in every corner of the climb: a nostalgic and exciting touch that remains printed in the heart.


Svevo Pedivella Cippo Carpegna Pantani

Svevo Pedivella Cippo Carpegna Pantani

Image Credits: Svevo Pedivella

Carpegna is enough for me!” We discover together the most popular climb by champion Marco Pantani

Marco Pantani was very  appreciated our area; and he loved to train himself on Mount Carpegna.

The route, cyclists know, is a very complex cocktail of fatigue and endurance: 115km and a difference of 1,800 meters on roads that span over marvelous panoramas.
Marco Pantani traveled through these streets made famous by his phrase “Il Carpegna just enough” because he felt it was superfluous to climb the Dolomites for the workouts: the climbs of Carpegna were more than sufficient to prepare his countless victories.

Among the routes reported by our brochure for cyclists, the first came to our minds could only be that dedicated to the great champion. Moreover, the Cippo di Carpegna is easily reachable from our hotel (less than 30 kilometers away).


Panteni cippo


The Pantani Day and the foundation Marco Pantani Onlus

Marco Pantani is still alive in our memory.

There are many initiatives that remind you of it (on the site of your foundation you find all the initiatives dedicated to him).

The PANTANI DAY was born 5 years ago by an idea of Evelina Zanda, referent of the ASD Funtos Bike and Luca Demozzi, a renowned instructor in Trentino. Exposed the project at Funtos Bike, he immediately received his consent and from that day became an annual stage in the official journal of the Marco Pantani ONLUS Foundation.

The first ever to climb on the stage and to make the first hour as an instructor in the first PANTANI DAY in the far 2013, was Marco Della Vedova, former professional cyclist who had the honor to race in the Mercatone One team together with Marco Pantani.




Guided Tours: the best of Marche at your complete disposal!

Choose the best and the beautiful of Marche!

In collaboration with the “Il Cerchio” Cooperative, we can offer you the following excursions, all with certified guide. These are people who really love their work and that makes a difference!

Ask us for information: we will contact Cristina and Massimo to organize a wonderful experience of wellness and beauty in the Marches.

URBINO, Capital of the Italian Renaissance was the city of Duke Federico da Montefeltro, one of the greatest leaders and humanists of his time. Federico da Montefeltro became Lord of Urbino and Montefeltro at the age of 22 years after the death of the brother-in-law Oddantonio, but he was already Lord of the State of Massa Trabaria, with the capital Sant’Angelo in Vado following the marriage with Gentile Brancaleoni. With him the culture became a lifestyle and the Ducal Palace of Urbino, described by Baldassar Castiglione “… .. a city-shaped palace …”, a crossroads of the greatest thinkers and artists. The Palace, “Italian Renaissance Cradle”.

CAGLI, the ancient Cales, was an important Roman city that was part of the Byzantine Pentapoli, unfortunately during the invasions was destroyed and subsequently rebuilt on the Hill of the Vail.

In 1287 the city of Cagli was again destroyed by a fire set at the Palazzo Comunale by the Ghibelline faction supported by Trasmondo Brancaleoni of Roccaleonella but in 1289, by Pope Nicolò IV’s will, the city was rebuilt ex novo and from the Banderuola hill fell on Pianoro, incorporated the pre-existing village and took the name of Sant’Angelo Papale.

Cagli, the free commune, gave the Palazzo Comunale to Federico da Montefeltro and from that moment on he followed the fate of the Duchy of Urbino until the year 1631 of devolution to the Pontifical State.

MERCATELLO SUL METAURO is a medieval medieval village where time has not completely affected its structure. Famous because it is the birthplace of a Doctor of the Church or Santa Veronica Giuliani. Inside the church of St. Francis of the thirteenth century it is possible to see the Eternal with the Tripartite Globe, the Crucifix of Pietro da Rimini and the portrait of Federico da Montefeltro (Lord of Urbino) with Ottaviano Ubaldini.

SANT’ANGELO IN VADO is one of the 100 most beautiful villages in Italy. Sant’Angelo in Vado is a land of knowledge and flavor that knowledge that has enabled a land so out of the classical tourist circuits and the fast communication routes to be a tourist destination because of its wealth of history, art and culture. Those knowledge that made the ancient Tifernum Mataurense, today Sant’Angelo in Vado, known as the Roman City Hall and as a capital during the medieval and Renaissance times of the State of Massa Trabaria. It is one of the richest cities in history, art and culture in the province of Pesaro and Urbino. Its history is related to important and powerful families such as Brancaleoni, Montefeltro and Della Rovere.

PIOBBICO, the origin of the name Piobbico dates back to Roman times, the term publicum mutes in plobicum to become plobic and finally Piobbico. The history of the village identifies itself with the Brancaleoni family. Around the year 1000 the territory was entrusted as a feud to this family that reigned for almost five centuries. The Castle, the suburb, the churches, the whole old part of the country, and the various villas and villages around, date back to this period, and then, following the abolition of feudalism, they are incorporated into the village of Piobbico. Since the beginning of the XII century Piobbico was the Lord of the Brancaleoni who came to dominate the whole Massa Trabaria. He first opposed the Albornoz, then to Pope Martino V, and became half of the 15th estate of the Montefeltro, and then followed the fate of the Urbino ducat. On December 21, 1827, by decree of Leo XII Piobbico becomes autonomous, and the coat of arms will be a naked arm that holds an oak.

URBANIA Destroyed by Montefeltro Castello delle Ripe renacque under the name of Casteldurante, was one of the most important cities for the production of pottery and majolica. Cipriano Piccolpasso wrote “The Three Books of the Potter’s Art” …. In which it is not only the practice, but briefly all the secrets of it which even nowadays has always been kept hidden.

Casteldurante changed name once again and became the current Urbania. Francesco Maria II died, the town dressed in mourning, the lighting went out and the torches came on; Casteldurante like all the Duchy of Urbino and Massa Trabaria said goodbye to his Dukes and became part of the Pontifical State.

SAN LEO was the capital of Italy for the will of King Berengar II, the land of Malatesta and Montefeltro thanks to the sting that Federico da Montefeltro ordained with his Captain Grifoni of Sant’Angelo in Vado. Visiting St. Leo and the Fort is like taking a leap in the past; The Bembo called him “an improbable war instrument …”. It is famous because it was the prison where the alchemist, the taumaturgo, the magician, the incredible Giuseppe Balsamo, told Count of Cagliostro, “… a man outside of every time and place …”. After 4 years 4 months 4 days of imprisonment he died.

Gola del Furlo: fauna da sogno!

La gola del Furlo è una zona naturalistica meravigliosa!

Offre una moltitudine di occasioni per vedere la fauna e la flora che si sviluppano rigogliose in quest’oasi naturale assolutamente da visitare se siete alla ricerca di pace e relax.

La natura ha la possibilità di rigenerarci ed è per questo che, tra le tante attività nel Montefeltro, consigliamo di passeggiare in questo luogo magico e storico.

Stiamo preparando anche un percorso da attraversare in bici. Seguite i nostri canali che presto ve ne parleremo!

Ecco intanto qualche notizia da Wikipedia:

La gola o passo del Furlo è una gola situata lungo il tracciato originario della via Flaminia, nel tratto in cui questa costeggia il fiume Candigliano affluente del Metauro nella provincia di Pesaro-Urbino nel comune di Fermignano.

La forra si è formata tra il monte Pietralata (889 m) e il monte Paganuccio (976 m), grazie alla forza erosiva del fiume Candigliano; nei millenni ha raggiunto una notevole profondità, che tuttavia attualmente non è più visibile a causa della diga, costruita nel 1922, che ha ridotto l’impetuoso corso d’acqua a un placido lago.

Con Decreto del Ministero dell’Ambiente del 6 febbraio 2001 pubblicato sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale del 12 giugno 2001, Serie Generale n.134, è stata istituita la Riserva naturale statale Gola del Furlo.

Conoscere la fauna e la flora della gola del Furlo: la passeggiata domenicale organizzata dallo IAT.

La passeggiata è un appuntamento fisso della domenica e dei giorni festivi in cui le guide della Riserva saranno a completa disposizione per conoscere le peculiarità storico-naturalistiche dell’area protetta.

Una tranquilla passeggiata tra le imponenti e suggestive pareti della Gola del Furlo, che si snoda lungo la strada Flaminia, alla sinistra orografica del fiume Candigliano.

Un percorso semplice, pianeggiante, ricco di emozioni: il miglior modo per godere della moltitudine dei fiori che crescono nella gola, dei rapaci e degli altri uccelli che volano e nidificano sulle ripide pareti.

Le passeggiate sono accessibili a tutti (anziani, bambini, mamme con passeggini, disabili fisici, ecc.) e di breve durata (1 ora e mezza). Il percorso inizia dal Punto IAT (Informazione Accoglienza Turistica) della Riserva Naturale Statale Gola del Furlo, prosegue presso l’area golenale del Candigliano per poi continuare all’interno della Gola lungo la strada Flaminia, fino alla Grotta del Grano, percorrendo il camminamento pedonale appositamente realizzato dall’Amministrazione Provinciale.

Per la prenotazione rivolgersi al Punto IAT Riserva Naturale Statale Gola del Furlo: numero verde 800 028 800 o fisso 0721/700041

Saremo lieti di chiamare noi dello’hotel Bramante e SPA gli uffici preposti per prenotarvi la passeggiata.

Possiamo anche prenotare il vostro pranzo o la vostra cena in un locale dove degustare cibo tipico e di qualità.

Rivolgetevi a Matteo o Martina al ricevimento!

Crediti immagini: